Vinanches Golden Retrievers

Some of you, may have wondered how we came up with the name Vinanches. Actually it is a hybrid word I made up years ago. The first part of vine and the last part of branches. Vine & Branches is just too long for a kennel name! My inspiration was from the Gospel of John 15:5, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for wtihout me ye can do nothing."
Paul and Paula Tankersley have lived with golden retrievers for over 30 years. We began breeding goldens in January 1998! Early on, an experienced breeder told us there were lots of heart breaks breeding dogs. While we have had our share of disappintments and set backs in our breeding program over the past 24 years and six generations, I believe we have a nice pack of goldens. We believe if you have the time to review the pedigrees, health clearance and pictures on this site you will think so too!
Piper Runs Bumper Drill
Oakley Runs Bumper Drill
Oakley Runs Hurdles
Spokane Triple Retrieve
Spokane Runs Hurdles
Spoikane Frisbee Drill
Spokane Bumper Drill
Our goal as a breeder in Arkansas is to provide healthy, intelligent, beautiful, multipurpose Golden Retriever puppies.
1371 W Highway 88, Oden, Arkansas 71961, United States
please contact by email: